5 Myths About Carbs In the Diet

It seems that carbohydrates are the new evil food item.

It used to be that fat was the nutritional villain in our lives. This led to the “fat-free” food craze that ironically has made so many people fat. In place of fat, sugar, MSG, and other fat-building chemicals were added to foods. We now know that fats don’t make you fat, sugar does.

Recently, low-carb diets like the Caveman Diet, the Atkins Diet, and the Keto Diet are all the rage. They limit carbohydrates from processed foods and carbohydrates in general. They focus on eating healthier foods like fruits and vegetables, nuts and berries, wild caught fish and grass-fed beef. Is this low-carb attitude the best nutritional approach? Let’s take a look at some carbohydrate myths you may have fallen for, and reveal the truth behind the lie.

1 – All Carbohydrates Are Equal

Simple carbohydrates are sugars. They are broken down quickly in your body, so quickly that they often are stored as fat for energy. Complex carbohydrates are starches. They take a long time to process and do not lead to excessive fat build up. Complex carbohydrates are great for your body, simple carbohydrates are not, and all carbohydrates are not created equal.

2 – A Low-Carb Diet Is Right for Everyone

No two human beings are even remotely similar. Your internal processes, millions of them, are totally different than all of the other 7 billion people roaming the planet. Low-carb diets have proven to be incredibly healthy for a great number of people. That said, what works for one person may not work for you.

3 – You Will Always Lose Weight on a Low-Carb Diet

This simply isn’t true. There are plenty of low-carb foods that can be fattening, especially if you consume too many calories. No matter what you eat, if you consume more calories than you burn on a daily basis, you will gain weight.

4 – Eating Low Carb Means Eating More Unhealthy Saturated Fat

We now know, after literally decades of anti-fat propaganda, that saturated fat is basically harmless. You don’t have to avoid healthy fats like coconut oil. Fat cuts of meat are okay to eat as well. So are fatty fish like salmon, rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Just because we know that saturated fat is not the villain it has been made out to be, doesn’t mean you should run out and consume 50 grams of fat every day, however.

5 – You Don’t Need Dietary Fiber As Long As You Cut Down on Carbohydrates

Dietary fiber or roughage which is the indigestible portion of food is essential to human health. Soluble fiber can lead to health benefits such as improved cholesterol levels and weight loss. Soluble fiber, which dissolves in water, is readily fermented in the colon into gasses and physiologically active byproducts and can be prebiotic and viscous. Unfortunately, a lot of carb-rich foods are also high in healthy fiber. This is why it may be a good idea to add BeneFiber or some other fiber supplement to your diet if you are cutting back on the carbs.


What has been your experience with Low Carb Diets?

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