Feed Your Body What It Needs to Excel

If your body isn’t getting the foods and nutrients it needs to function properly, then don’t expect your brain to respond appropriately when it’s called upon, either. Some people spend more money and time feeding the right diet to their pets or selecting proper additives for their cars than they do for themselves.

Your brain feeds on the foods you feed your body and if you’re constantly eating an unhealthy diet then not only does your body slow down so does your brain. Often this comes on so slowly it’s not noticed until you’re elderly and then the blame falls on aging.

As the brain ages, the memory fades and it loses the ability to help itself. It becomes an easy prey for oxidation and inflammation, which can kill the brain cells. To lead a healthy and productive life, it’s imperative to tune your body and your mind so that both are functioning efficiently.

Of course, you need to exercise, keep your blood pressure in check and get proper rest, at least seven hours of sleep at night. If you smoke, stop. And, concentrate on a diet that’s rich in mind and body enhancing nutrients. Supplements can be taken but it’s best to rely on natural foods to obtain the best and longer lasting results.

We can learn a lesson from plants. They produce their own antioxidants to protect themselves from diseases, pollution and other harmful elements in the environment. So, we should ingest foods that are rich in antioxidants such as fruits and berries including grapes, cherries, apples, plums and oranges. Blueberries and cranberries have proven to be especially high in antioxidants that aid in memory retention.

Vegetables high in antioxidants include the green and leafy types such as spinach, broccoli, kale and brussel sprouts. Beets, red bell peppers, onions and garlic are also rich in the desired nutrients. Chard, turnip and collard greens are also high in antioxidants but not as much as their cousins.

Omega 3 fatty acids must not be forgotten and they may be found in salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel and sardines. Seafood also is packed with B vitamins as well as dairy products, eggs, spinach, carrots and various nuts and seeds.

Some spices are also excellent in providing a better memory and healthy body by improving your motor skills and aiding your brain to communicate and regenerate.

Cur cumin, found in ginger and curry, has been said to prevent memory loss. Rosemary, both fresh and dried, stimulates and enhances the memory while it also calms your nerves and promotes a healthy circulatory system.

Good news for coffee lovers. Recent studies have revealed that caffeinated coffee in moderation helps to prevent memory loss and stimulate brainwave activity. The study showed it to be more effective in helping women than men. Maintaining a healthy body and mind with a balanced diet will not only help you to excel today but enable you to carry on with an enviable existence throughout life.

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