Why You Might Want to be Rich

Do you wonder if you should set wealth as one of your goals? Perhaps this question deserves more reflection. Ask yourself, “Why? Why do I want wealth?”

If any of these ideas ring true with you, consider them in your answer.

Money is a funny thing. Despite the current sentiment among many in this country against wealthy people, those who have a lot of money want even more. Many of those who speak out against it want more too. In fact, most people would like more money.

Many say that money is the cause of corruption. However, many wealthy folks live without this corruption. So, since some are corrupted and some aren’t, wouldn’t you say it’s the person themselves who makes the choices that cause this corruption rather than the money?

Seriously, money is an inanimate object. Its power lies in what you choose to do with it.

But there’s no arguing that having money provides many advantages in life.

There are few downsides to having a lot of money. Those that have spent time being both poor and rich claim that being rich is much better.

Consider these perfectly good reasons why you might want to be wealthy:

  1. Rich people can have more free time, if they choose. Think of all the time you spend doing things just to maintain your life. Cleaning the house, taking the car for an oil change, shopping for food, preparing food, paying bills, dealing with the yard, and running other errands.
    • When you have enough money, you can pay other people to do these things for you.
    • How would you spend this extra time?
  2. Rich people can avoid doing many of the things they don’t enjoy doing. Someone else could do them. Imagine your life without most of the chores and duties that you don’t like to do.
  3. You can help a lot of people when you’re rich. It’s true that you can volunteer and help others with your time, regardless of your income, but it’s nice to be able to write a check, too. You already know plenty of people that could use financial help. It would be nice to actually be able to provide it.
  4. You can enjoy life more. Let’s face it, money is a limiting factor for most of us. It’s easier to explore your interests if you have greater financial resources. You can visit Paris, buy a Steinway, afford to not work and go back to school comfortably, try a new restaurant each week, or buy a couple of horses.
  5. Your future is more comfortable. Most people are worried about their retirement. If you’re sick later in life or unable to care for yourself, you can afford to have the care you need to live at home for the rest of your life.
    • Money eliminates most your concerns about what the future may bring.
  6. Money solves many challenges. Money is great for solving many of the problems that pop up in day-to-day life. Whether you need dentures, a new transmission, a new roof, or new shoes, money is the answer.
    • Of course, money doesn’t solve all of life’s problems, but it can bring you more options and take care of many of them.

Money isn’t the answer to all of life’s challenges. You’ll find that once you have money, you have a new set of issues. But that’s just life. Name a time when you didn’t have a problem!

The advantages of wealth are considerable. It’s really about freedom. Money brings you freedom of choice and peace of mind. It also gives you the option to spend your time as you choose. What’s not to like about being wealthy?

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