An Ounce of Prevention: Medical Testing as an Agent for Anti-Aging

As we go throughout life, there are all kinds of tests we need to endure to ensure that we are growing up healthily. For example, there are immunizations and check-ups when we are younger. And after a certain age, there are tests we really should be aware of, to help prevent illnesses or spot illnesses early enough to be able to treat them.

There are various tests for both men and women, the most common of which are detailed below.

For Men

* Cardiovascular disease – For men this is important since there may be no sign of any type of cardiovascular disease present until that fateful day when a heart attack happens. It is best to seek the attention of a medical doctor and have him or her perform the necessary testing, especially if there is family history. Sometimes a test or the simple addition of aspirin to your regimen is recommended.

* Colorectal cancer screening – Typically after age 50 and up until age 75 it is recommended to have a colorectal cancer screening.

* Prostate cancer – Your doctor may recommend a prostate cancer test in the form of a PSA (prostate specific antigen). Prostate cancer is the second leading cancer causing death in males. Testing is even more crucial if there is a family history.

Of course, there are the tests that are necessary regardless of age or past health history such as blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol.

For Women

* Hormone replacement therapy – for women going through menopause, hormone replacement therapy may be a much-needed relief. As a women goes through menopause, estrogen levels drop leading to various issues such as:

* Mood swings
* Night sweats
* Hot flashes
* Sleep disturbances

It is important for a woman after a certain age to speak with her doctor to discuss same.

* Colonoscopy – After a certain age, typically 50, most women as well as men are recommended to have a colonoscopy to screen for colon cancer.

* Annual mammograms – annual mammograms are essential for women to detect breast cancer as early as possible.

* Bone mineral density testing – this is important to detect bone strength and the possible risk of osteoporosis later in life.

As you can see, there are many tests that offer early detection for disease and illness. And, of course, early detection is half the battle.

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