Who Else Wants to Take a Virtual Vacation

Planning a vacation has become more complicated these days. Airlines are offering fewer flights. Schools are unable to predict when they’ll be open or closed. You may be tightening your budget while you spend more time at home.

Still, taking time off is essential for your mental and physical health. That’s especially true when you’re struggling with stressful situations.

Even when Disneyland is closed, you can create your own magic. Try these ideas for making your next vacation a virtual adventure.

Enjoying a Virtual Vacation Online

The internet gives you instant access to any venue or experience. Design an itinerary based on your personal interests.

Consider these ideas:

  1. Appreciate art. Gain free admittance to great museums around the world and in your neighborhood. Browse for special features including lectures, artist talks, and family friendly crafts.
  2. Explore history. Journey back in time. Investigate famous battlefields and ancient dynasties. Check out digital collections at the Smithsonian Institution or guided tours of Machu Picchu.
  3. Tour national parks. Connect with nature. Bring home the scenic beauty of more than 32 US national parks, courtesy of Google Earth and Google Arts & Culture. Choose from favorites like the Grand Canyon and Yosemite.
  4. Watch animals. Could you watch cat videos for hours? Get up close to wildlife with webcam feeds from zoos and aquariums.
  5. Ride a roller coaster. Skip the long lines. Take a 360-degree video walkthrough of popular rides at the Virtual Disney World YouTube Channel. While you’re there, search for similar experiences at other theme parks.
  6. Travel to outer space. NASA has posted several special tours for aerospace fans. That includes the International Space Station and a full Exoplanet Travel Bureau with amazing visualizations of other planets and stars.
  7. Continue learning. If you want a more in-depth experience, take classes online at almost any college or university. Also, many public libraries offer free access to The Great Courses where you can study computer coding or fine wine.

Enjoying a Virtual Vacation Offline

Today, you might assume that anything virtual involves a computer. However, it can also refer to something that falls a little short of being an exact match. Unplug and experience the benefits of a getaway without actually leaving home.

Try these activities:

  1. Camp out. Sleep under the stars in your backyard. Pitch a tent and toast s’mores. Tell ghost stories or sing show tunes.
  2. Get spa treatments. Pamper yourself with a spa day. Relieve stress and lift your spirits with massages, facials, and a manicure.
  3. Play sports and games. Physical exercise is another great way to eliminate tension and encourage restful sleep. Grab your croquet mallets or organize a scavenger hunt.
  4. Grow a garden. Produce your own food and flowers. Gardening is time consuming, but practical and satisfying. If you’re a beginner, pick plants that require little care. For best results, ensure that they’re appropriate for your area by checking the USDA Hardiness Zone.
  5. Film a movie. Let the hours you’ve spent streaming movies and TV shows inspire you to produce your own content. Give each family member a role in the project from script writing to editing. Share your work with family and friends online.
  6. Paint and sculpt. Maybe you prefer another medium for your creativity. Work on visual arts or experiment with piano playing and flower arrangements.
  7. Go on a retreat. During challenging times, it’s natural to think about your life purpose and turn to your faith. Praying and meditating at home can be just as effective as sitting on a mountaintop.

Refresh your mind and restore your energy with a virtual vacation. There’s a whole world of entertaining and enriching activities you can do at home. The only limit is your imagination.

#bodymindspirit #uruguru

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