9 Essential Social Skills You Dont Want to Be Without

You might prefer to stay at home and watch Netflix over going to a party, but social skills are important. Life is more interesting and richer when you communicate regularly with others.

Your life has more possibilities when you have a strong set of social skills. Social skills impact your family, work, platonic, and romantic relationships.

Unfortunately, schools do little to teach social skills. We’re forced to experiment or to observe how others do it. This isn’t the most effective approach. Take responsibility for this important skill set and commit yourself to enhancing your social skills.

Strong social skills can positively influence every part of your life.

  1. Eye contact. Eye contact is a demonstration of your self-confidence and social hierarchy. Whether you’re speaking or listening, eye contact is important. Try to find the proper balance between looking someone in the eye and looking elsewhere. Too much of either is less effective.
  2. Etiquette. Your manners matter. Etiquette has two parts: respect and conformity. Demonstrating proper etiquette for a situation shows respect for those you’re communicating with. It also shows that you know how to behave effectively in a particular social situation.
  3. Humor. Everyone likes to laugh and smile. Learn a few jokes and learn how to laugh easily. It’s easy to make a new friend if you laugh together. Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself. We all do things worthy of a chuckle now and then.
  4. Empathy. You can communicate better with others when you’re empathetic. It allows you to adopt a more reasonable and understanding response. Relate what you’re hearing to your own experiences. Be willing to share your own stories. More people will be attracted to you if you learn to be empathetic.
  5. Listening skills. Few things are more important than good listening skills. Listening intently is another way to show respect to others. People feel important when you pay attention to them. They feel disrespected when your attention wavers.
  6. Ask questions. People love when you show an interest in them. Conversations are easy to maintain if you’re able to ask appropriate questions. Asking questions also relieves you of much social pressure. All you have to do is ask a question and then pay attention to the response. What could be easier?
  7. Body Language. Practicing open and confident body language is good for both of you. When you appear to be relaxed and confident, others feel more relaxed and confident in your presence. Appropriate body language is inviting and reassuring to others.
  8. Smile. Would you rather communicate with someone that’s smiling or scowling? A smile lets people know that you’re a safe and friendly communication partner. Plus, you’ll feel better when you smile.
  9. The ability to introduce yourself. If you can’t introduce yourself, you have to sit around and wait for someone to talk to you. Practice introducing yourself in the mirror, then go find a few victims for practice. With practice, introducing yourself will be second nature.

Consider how your life would be impacted if your social skills were stronger. You’d have more influence at work, more friends, stronger relationships, and more dates.

Social skills are far-reaching. Improving your social skills can improve your life. Spend a little time each day working on your social skills and notice how your entire life changes for the better.

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