14 Practical Ways to Enhance Yourself

You probably worry about improving your finances and your landscaping, but do you ever give time and attention to improving yourself? Are you as knowledgeable, capable, and healthy as you can possibly be? Time spent on self-development is never wasted. Since time is limited, it’s essential that you spend that time wisely.

Enhance yourself and live a life you love:

1. Try a new hobby. Try something outside your normal scope of activities. Join a ping-pong league or learn how to paint with water colors. Stretch yourself beyond your current boundaries.

2. Contribute to your community. Consider volunteering a few hours of your time each week. You’ll help others, feel good about yourself, and make new friends.

3. Get at least seven hours of sleep. Science has shown that everyone performs better after seven hours of sleep than they do on less. Create evening routines that contribute to sound sleep and get to bed at a reasonable time each night.

4. Take on one of your fears. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a fear of clowns, spiders, public speaking, or heights. Get a book on phobias and try to help yourself. Get professional help if necessary. Conquering one fear can bring you a new confidence that forges through anything.

5. Read something new each day. Reading is convenient, useful, and economical. There’s little that can’t be learned from reading. Schedule your reading time and develop a reading list. Most importantly, make an effort to apply what you learn. Knowledge is useless if unused.

6. Learn a new language. You could be practical and learn Spanish or attempt something more exotic like Japanese or Persian. People that know more than one language are fascinating. There are many free language exchanges available online. You can help someone learn English while they’re teaching you French.

7. Use your artistic talents. Make time for writing, photography, music, painting, or other artistic pursuit. Even if you believe you have zero artistic ability, it’s still worth the time. What form of art interests you the most?

8. Create a new habit that supports the life you desire. It might be eating a healthy breakfast or going for a walk after work. Maybe you want to read or meditate for 15 minutes each day. Focus on one habit and make it permanent.

9. Make a new friend. You can never have too many friends, but your life rarely changes when you hang around the same people every day. Find a new friend outside of your normal circle of people.

10. Take a class. Learn something new from an expert and surround yourself with like-minded people. You’ll broaden your horizons and increase the size of your social circle.

11. Start a blog. Share your experiences and expertise with others. You might even make a second career out of it.

12. Get in shape. Make small improvements to your diet and exercise habits and finally get the body and confidence that you deserve.

13. Learn how to meditate. Mindfulness and meditation are all the rage. There are many benefits, both physical and psychological, for those that meditate regularly.

14. Take a trip to someplace new. Why are you waiting to take that trip of a lifetime? Time is ticking away. Get online and book a trip today.

Self-development can be fun! Increasing your capabilities doesn’t have to be like studying for a calculus test. It’s as much about having experiences as it is about gaining knowledge. Give yourself the attention you deserve. The more life skills and talents you develop, the more you’ll be able to appreciate and enjoy everything life has to offer.

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