Top 10 Warning Signs That You Need a Different Therapist

Are you concerned about your current therapist? Consider these warning signs and red flags that indicate you may benefit from trying a different therapist.

Beware of these challenges with your current therapist:

1. License and degree issues. Have you checked the credentials and qualifications of your therapist?

* A therapist who is using false degrees or licenses can be dangerous.

* If you’re worried about your therapist not meeting the requirements, then it’s important to investigate.

2. Confidentiality and privacy issues. Your therapist should be keeping your sessions confidential. Have you discovered that your therapist is sharing information about you with others?

* Privacy issues are a major red flag.

3. Criticism and judgment. A therapist shouldn’t make you feel ashamed about your personal challenges. If your therapist is criticizing you and hurting your feelings, then it’s time to seek other help.

* Therapists should never treat you as if you’re inferior or inadequate.

* You should feel comfortable sharing your past, present, and goals without worrying about judgment.

4. Inappropriate relationships. Is your therapist trying to start a personal or romantic relationship with you? These types of relationships are inappropriate and can cause lasting psychological damage.

5. Lack of conversation. Counselors are supposed to help you handle your issues and find solutions.

* Your therapist has to listen to you, but they should also be offering advice. A one-way conversation won’t help you deal with your issues.

6. Too much talking. If your counselor won’t let you speak during the sessions, it’s also a warning sign that someone different may be of greater benefit to you. You should be able to share your thoughts and experiences.

* In addition, your counselor should be able to discuss things on your level, without using complicated jargon or medical terms that you don’t understand. They shouldn’t force you to do extra research just to get the meaning of their conversation.

7. Intrusiveness issues. Does your therapist make all your decisions for you? A good therapist can help guide your thinking toward wise decisions without taking control of your life.

8. Forgetfulness. Does your counselor forget your name every time they see you?

* Remember that a therapist may handle many cases and patients. However, they should be reviewing your file before your sessions and at least remember your name.

* If you notice your therapist can’t remember previous sessions or other details that matter, then it may be time to get another counselor.

9. Pushing boundaries. Does your therapist respect your boundaries? It’s important for counselors to respect their patients and their needs. There’s a fine line between encouraging you to talk about your challenges and forcing you to divulge information that you prefer to keep private.

10. Appointment issues. Do you have a difficult time getting consistent sessions with your counselor?

* Does your therapist cancel or reschedule sessions all of the time?
* Do they ignore you during the appointment and focus on other things?
* Are you tired of spending hours in the waiting room before the therapist calls you in for your appointment?

If you’re experiencing these challenges with your therapist, you may want to consider trying someone else. These issues can prevent you from getting the most from your therapy.

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