
This will be my (always under construction) About page and will be refined over time.

I have read that first I should describe yoU as the reader, so here is who I think yoU might be.
First and foremost yoU aRe a seeker of knowledge. It is said that we should never stop learning. Study Better Tips
Second, yoU aRe open-minded. How can we be continuous students if we are unwilling to explore other possibilities?
Last, yoU aRe Honest. It should be apparent that if we can’t be honest with ourselves and others what is the point?

Now enough about yoU, let’s talk about ME.

I was born in Oklahoma and grew up in a small farming/ranching community.
Helping people has been a part of my life from the beginning.
Several months after turning eighteen I enlisted in the Air Force and received an Honorable Discharge.

My training in the Air Force as a computer operator gave me the foundation necessary for my current pursuits.
Over the years, I have attended college in several places, but no degree yet. I have always been a continuing student reading self-help books and taking courses in diverse subjects. After many years of drifting from job to job, in the final months of 1989, I finally found an occupation that suited my skills and personality. That job, maintenance, at a large apartment complex, gave me the opportunity to work with my hands at diverse activities and interact with people. Drug and alcohol addiction starting in my pre-teen years contributed to my “drifting from job to job” and adversely affected my relationships with everyone. After uncountable meetings and treatment programs, the information was finally processed and in March of 1996, I started my recovery.

I am happy to report I remain clean and sober to this day.

In 2003, I started my own business PropertyConsultant.Info, LLC, and continued helping people solve problems. And I’m not talking about just maintenance and repairs. Often, those relationships became close enough to discuss personal difficulties. Now, after working for many years at a physically demanding job, I want to turn my talents in problem-solving and customer interaction in a new direction. So, on April 27th, 2008, I registered this domain name and began my journey into being a life coach.

Sometimes I turned away for months because of some seemingly insurmountable difficulties.

Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen

But if you keep getting up every time you fall,
falling doesn’t even slow you down.


To be continued ( and expanded as time permits…)

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